Weather And Earthly Phenomenon Tutorial

There are many components of description in the writer’s arsenal, and arguably, weather is one of the most powerful. The weather is something that each one of us is attuned to. It dictates our actions on a daily basis. Cold temperatures, warm temperatures, rain, sleet, snow—all of these affect our mood and how we view the day ahead. Weather can instantly change our outlook, fill us with dread or hope, or even encourage internal reflection.

Because of our strong associations with this natural phenomena, skilled writers are able to draw on and manipulate reader emotion by using weather in their writing. Not only is it a powerful element to enhance the setting, it can also create mood, produce conflict, and focus the reader’s attention squarely where the author wants it to be. To illustrate this, let’s put you in the character’s shoes.

You are walking down a sidewalk along Main Street. It’s late afternoon, crystal bright, and a hot breeze blows against you. School’s out and kids run willy-nilly down the sidewalk, laughter ringing in the air as they race to the corner store for a grape slush. Your shoes scrape the pavement as you turn left between two brick buildings. The side door to Mama Rita’s Italian restaurant is just past a rusty dumpster, and your lover's shift is about to end in the kitchen. You smile, feeling light. 


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